108 Surya Namaskars


108 Sun Salutations completed! To say I am blessed seems like an understatement as I bathe in all the love I am feeling at this moment. Thoughts of gratitude: Mom & Dad, thank you for bringing me into this world with the biggest hearts and continuing every single step of the way over the years, the most supportive and compassionate parents on earth even now; Karen and Super Dave Temple for hosting us on Maui in your beautiful home, providing us with space to share all 108 salutes to the sun with loved ones near and far; Jennifer Prugh and the family at Breathe Together Yoga for providing space at my home away from home in Sola to connect with us here on the islands through breath and movement, while masked even; All of you who joined us virtually – I truly felt your energy, then and all the other times we spend together practicing on and off the mat; All who have so generously donated $$$ and in some cases, even pledged to volunteer, in support of TCEF, Veggielution and Kokua Hawaii. There is still time if you haven’t made a contribution here; My beautiful wife and partner Miki, who I adore for her patience, creativity, unconditional love and support, energy and badassness. I could not have accomplished what we did these last few days without her efforts; Big kine thank you, to all of you with your messages of birthday love. I feel you with the warmest heart and wish you and your families joy and good health. #lovingawareness #108suryanamaskar #tibetanchildrenseducationfoundation #kokuafoundation #veggielution #breathetogetheryoga #laughbreathelovelive #grateful